tion and also to satisfy the conditions on the p's stated in the theorem, it seems necessary to select the p's close to the modulus p. Take s = 4. Thus, for p = 17, if we selectpi = 5., 2 = 6, pA3 = 7,p4 = 8, we find that pit + 1,i21 + 1,31 = 2 and v-,4> 2, whereas if we take A,' = 12, JA2 = 13, ,U3 = 14, and ,4 = 15, we find that each member of (38) reduces to 3 modulo 17. Also, for p = 19, p,i = 12, ,u2 = 13, p3 = 14, ,U4 = 15, each side reduces to 18 modulo 19. For p = 23, this set: p,i = 18, ;2 = 19, ,U3 = 20, ;4 = 21, is such that each side of (38) reduces to 19, mod 23. (In the above examples we happened to take the values of the p's as consecutive, but obviously the conditions in the statement of our theorem do not require this.