Test is an essential task since the early days of digital circuits. Every produced chip undergoes at least a production test supported by on-chip test infrastructure to reduce test cost. Throughout the technology evolution fault tolerance gained importance and is now necessary in many applications to mitigate soft errors threatening consistent operation. While a variety of effective solutions exists to tackle both areas, test and fault tolerance are often implemented orthogonally, and hence do not exploit the potential synergies of a combined solution. The unified architecture presented here facilitates fault tolerance and test by combining a checksum of the sequential state with the ability to flip arbitrary bits. Experimental results confirm a reduced area overhead compared to a orthogonal combination of classical test and fault tolerance schemes. In combination with heuristically generated test sequences the test application time and test data volume are reduced significantly.
General Copyright NoticeThis article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. This is the author's "personal copy" of the final, accepted version of the paper published by IEEE. Abstract-Test is an essential task since the early days of digital circuits. Every produced chip undergoes at least a production test supported by on-chip test infrastructure to reduce test cost. Throughout the technology evolution fault tolerance gained importance and is now necessary in many applications to mitigate soft errors threatening consistent operation. While a variety of effective solutions exists to tackle both areas, test and fault tolerance are often implemented orthogonally, and hence do not exploit the potential synergies of a combined solution.The unified architecture presented here facilitates fault tolerance and test by combining a checksum of the sequential state with the ability to flip arbitrary bits. Experimental results confirm a reduced area overhead compared to a orthogonal combination of classical test and fault tolerance schemes. In combination with heuristically generated test sequences the test application time and test data volume are reduced significantly.