Focusing on the interplay between interface chem-1 istry, electrochemistry, and integrated electronics, we show a 2 novel low-cost and flexible biosensing platform for continuous 3 glucose monitoring. The amperometric biosensing system features 4 a planar three-electrode structure on a plastic substrate, and 5 a wireless NFC-powered electronic system performing sensor AQ:1 6 analog front-end, A/D conversion, digital control, and display 7 tasks. The working electrode is made of electropolymerized poly 8 (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) film onto a polyethylene terephtha-9 late/gold electrode followed by immobilization of cross-linked 10 glucose oxidase by glutaraldehyde. The advantages offered by 11 such a device, including low-cost materials and instrumentation 12 as well as the good sensitivity of 9.24 µA/(mM • cm 2) are 13 promising tools for point-of-care monitoring. It is demonstrated 14 that the devices are good candidates for the development of 15 advanced sensing approaches based on the investigation of the 16 noise produced during operation (fluctuation-enhanced sensing).