This study aimed to measure production risk and income risk of cocoa farming in Kolaka Regency and to determine the factors that influenced the behaviour of farmers towards the risk. This study involved 142 cocoa farmers spread across the Kolaka Regency. The research method used to measure production and income risks used the coefficient of variation and to measure risk behaviour using the Ordardi Least Squares (OLS) method of the Moscardi and De Janvry models. The OLS method was used to analyse the factors that influence the behaviour of farmers towards the risk of cocoa farming. The results of the coefficient of production variance and income of cocoa farming were high, which were due to the attack of cocoa pods, the use of various fertilisers and pesticides, as well as fluctuating prices. This means that production in cocoa farming has a high chance of failure. Analysis of the average value of aversion to the risk of cocoa farming is 1.5643, assuming that (1.2 ≤ K (S) ≤ 2.0), meaning that on average cocoa farmers in the Regency are risk averters. Factors that influenced the behaviour of farmers towards risk were the area of arable land (ha), farmer education, farmer experience, number of cocoa plant stands, with significant effects; meanwhile, farmer age, dummy planting patterns of cocoa-coconut-nilam and cocoa-coconut-cashew had insignificant effects.
Keywords: cocoa, ordinary least square, risk behaviour
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur risiko produksi dan risiko pendapatan usahatani kakao di Kabupaten Kolaka dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku petani terhadap risiko. Penelitian ini dengan mengambil 142 petani kakao yang tersebar di wilayah Kabupaten Kolaka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur risiko produksi dan pendapatan mengunakan nilai koefisien variasi dan perilaku risiko mengunakan metode Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model Moscardi dan De Janvry. Metode OLS digunkan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku petani terhadap risiko usahatani kakao. Hasil penelitian koefisien varian produksi dan pendapatan usahatani kakao adalah tinggi akibat dari serangan penyakit buah kakao, pengunaan pupuk dan pestisida beragam serta harga yang fluktuatif. Artinya bahwa dalam proses produksi usahatani kakao memiliki peluang gagal yang tinggi. Analisis rata-rata nilai keengganan terhadap risiko usahatani kakao sebesar 1,5643, dengan asumsi bahwa (1,2 ≤ K (S) ≤ 2,0), artinya secara rata-rata petani kakao di Kabupaten adalah menolak risiko (risk overter). Faktor-faktor yang mempemgaruhi perilaku petani terhadap risiko adalah luas lahan Garapan (ha), pendidikan petani, pengalaman petani, jumlah tegakkan tanaman kakao, berpengaruh singnifikan, sedangkan umur petani, dummy pola tanam kakao kelapa nilan dan kakao kelapa jambu mete (KKN dan KJKJ) berpengaruh tidak signifikan.
Kata kunci: kakao, ordinary least square, perilaku terhadap risiko