Abstract:The purpose of the research is determination of model of classification of 7-9 th form boy pupils' motor fitness. The methods of the research: for solution of our tasks we used the following methods as analysis of scientific literature, pedagogic testing and methods of mathematical statistic for processing of the obtained results. Discriminant analysis was used as method of simulation. For assessment of functional and motor fitness of 7-9 th form boy pupils we registered results of tests of Shtange, Genchi, Serkin and motor tests. In the research 24 boy pupils of 7 th form, 34 -of 8 th form, and 35 boy pupils of 9 th form participated. Conclusions: for classification of age specificities of motor and functional fitness of 7-9 th form boys discriminant function can be applied. Equations of discriminant function permit to classify correctly 95.8% of grouped data. In classification of functional and motor fitness of 7 th form boys the most informative were results in tests No.4 "Shuttle run 4x9 meters, sec." (0.54), № 6 "Chin ups, q-ty of times" (0.495), № 8 "Long jump from the spot, cm", № 3 "Assessment of power parameters of arms' movements, error %" (-.459), №10 "Test Genchi, sec. " (-.448).In classification of functional and motor fitness of 8 th and 9 th form boys the most informative were results in tests № 5 "Pressing ups in lying position, q-ty of times" and № 2 "Assessment of time parameters of movement, error, sec. "