ABSTRAK Status kesehatan seringkali di anggap berpengaruh pada produktivitas kerja petani sehingga dengan menurunnya angka kesehatan petani dapat berdampak pada kualitas maupun kuantitas hasil pertanian yang menurun. Untuk meningkatkan perilaku petani melakukan pencegahan efek pestisida bagi kesehatan dalam jangka panjang.Pelatihan dengan strategi ceramah, pemutaran video edukasi, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan praktik. Media yang digunakan antara lain slide power point, video, dan buku panduan kader PESAT.pembentukan kader PESAT dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan petani mengenai efek pestisida bagi kesehatan petani sebesar 72%, sedangkan capacity building dapat meningkatkan perilaku petani untuk mencegah efek pestisida bagi kesehatan petani sebesar 74%. Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan pengetahuan petani mengenai efek pestisida bagi kesehatan petani dan berhasil meningkatkan perilaku petani untuk mencegah efek pestisida bagi kesehatan petani. Kata Kunci: Petani, Capacity Building, Pestisida, Status Kesehatan ABSTRACT Health status is often considered to have an effect on farmer's work productivity, so that the decreasing number of farmers' health can have an impact on the quality and quantity of agricultural products that decrease. To improve the behavior of farmers to prevent the effects of pesticides on health in the long term. Training with lecture strategies, educational video screenings, discussions, questions and answers, and practice. The media used include power point slides, videos, and PESAT cadre guidebooks. he formation of PESAT cadres can increase farmers' knowledge about the effects of pesticides on farmers' health by 72%, while Capacity Building can improve farmers' behavior to prevent the effects of pesticides on farmers' health by 74%. This activity succeeded in increasing farmers' knowledge about the effects of pesticides on farmers' health and succeeded in improving farmers' behavior to prevent the effects of pesticides on farmers' health. Keywords : Farmers, Capacity Building, Pesticides, Health Status