“…One of them is composed of the studies related to the historical trajectory of the professionalization of the category and the patterns of union demands in Brazil (MONLEVADE, 2000, GOUVEIA, FERRAZ, 2013, GATTI, BARRETTO, 2009and VIEIRA, 2014, (MORDUCHOWICZ, 2003;OLIVEIRA, 2004OLIVEIRA, , 2007. The thematic axis also goes throughout educational reforms in Latin America, especially since the 1990s (MORDUCHOWICZ, 2003;OLIVEIRA, 2004OLIVEIRA, , 2007, and to education financing, which, in general, discuss the proportion of staff expenditure in the education budget, evaluate the remuneration within context of maintenance funds (FUNDEF and FUNDEB) and estimate the appropriate level of financial investment to ensure remuneration as one of the necessary elements for the provision of quality education (VERHINE, 2006;CARREIRA;PINTO, 2007;CAMARGO et al, 2009;ALVES, 2012;CARA;ARAÚJO, 2011;BARBOSA, 2014;PINTO, 2014;CARVALHO, 2015). In another research line, there are studies that analyze the remuneration as a central element for teacher´s social valorization for profession attractiveness.…”