The purpose of this research is to analyse the formation of character in students of Junior High School Ardaniah Boarding School Serang Banten. Research methods using qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Triangulation was done by way of rechecking the information interview results with the results of observation and documentation. The research found that the formation of character in the Boarding School Program Junior Ardaniah is done through: 1) academic activities, either intrasekolah or ekstrasekolah; 2) religious activities, such as: Islamic studies, the study of the book of yellow, muhadhoroh, memorizing the Qur'an, Qur'an tahfidz and Lughotul al-Ta'lim al Arabia; 3) activity skills, such as: activities The cultivation of Plants through tissue culture of language skills, and information and Communication Technology skills. The characters are observed is 1) religious, attitudes, and behavior; 2) disciplines3) honest. 4) independent, 5) responsibility towards themselves, society, environment, country and God Almighty. Keywords: Boarding school, character education, religious discipline
Artikel ini ditulis untuk menguraikan masalah budaya literasi yang rendah di kalangan siswa sekolah dasar di Indonesia dan menjelaskan berbagai kegiatan membaca untuk memicu budaya literasi. Berdasarkan data penelitian yang dirilis oleh Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman membaca siswa Indonesia berada di bawah rata-rata internasional. Indonesia berada di posisi 45 dari 48 negara dengan skor 428 poin dari skor rata-rata 500 poin. Selain itu, data dari Program Penilaian Siswa Internasional (PISA) pada 2012 menunjukkan bahwa siswa Indonesia adalah yang terburuk kedua dari 65 negara yang berpartisipasi dengan skor 396 poin (skor rata-rata adalah 496). Data dari PIRLS dan PISA menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi dan pemahaman membaca siswa Indonesia dinilai buruk. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan mengembangkan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah untuk mendukung Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 23 tahun 2015 tentang Karakter yang salah satunya membahas kegiatan membaca buku non-pelajaran selama 15 menit sebelum belajar. Dan yang paling penting dalam kegiatan ini, siswa akan dikenalkan oleh berbagai kegiatan membaca seperti membaca dengan suara keras, membaca diam berkelanjutan, membaca terbimbing, membaca bersama, dan membaca mandiri.
Abstract. Politically, School Based Management (SBM) becomes the mouthpiece of all issues in the field of education that will be portrayed in schools, because the school is the last network of educational bureaucracy. SBM is also a form of operationalization of the decentralization or education autonomy policy in relation to regional autonomy. Theoretically, SBM is also a concept that offers autonomy to schools in order to improve quality, efficiency and equity of education in order to accommodate the interests of local communities as well as establishing close cooperation between schools, communities and governments. Operationally SBM is an idea that places the authority of school management in a system entity. Based on the above view, this article outlines the basic framework of SBM as a strategy for improving the quality of education. With SBM, principals, teachers and learners get the opportunity to innovate and improvise in schools related to curriculum, learning, managerial and others. So the principal serves as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, motivator, figure, and mediator. SBM also calls for the creation of new institutional arrangements and institutions, including: the establishment of school boards, development of school strategy planning, develop of annual school planning, internal monitoring and self-assessment, annual reporting, school opinion surveys of school stakeholders. Keywords. School Based Management, Decentralization of Education, Quality Assurance, Autonomy of Education, School Committee Abstrak. Secara politis, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) merupakan muara dari semua kebijakan dibidang pendidikan akan tergambarkan di sekolah, sebab sekolah merupakan jaringan terakhir dari rangkaian birokrasi pendidikan. MBS juga sebagai bentuk operasionalisasi dari kebijakan desentralisasi atau otonomi pendidikan dalam hubungannya dengan otonomi daerah. Secara teoretis, MBS merupakan suatu konsep yang menawarkan suatu otonomi kepada sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu, efisiensi dan pemerataan pendidikan agar dapat mengakomodir kepentingan masyarakat setempat serta menjalin kerja sama yang erat antar sekolah, masyarakat dan pemerintah. Secara operasional MBS merupakan gagasan yang menempatkan kewenangan pengelolaan sekolah dalam suatu keutuhan entitas sistem. Berdasarkan pandangan di atas, artikel ini menguraikan kerangka dasar MBS sebagai strategi dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dengan MBS, kepala sekolah, guru dan peserta didik mendapatkan peluang untuk melakukan inovasi dan improvisasi di sekolah berkaitan dengan masalah kurikulum, pembelajaran, manajerial dan lain-lain. Maka kepala sekolah berfungsi sebagai educator, manajer, administrator, supervisor, leader, inovator, motivator, figure, dan mediator. MBS juga menuntut penciptaan tatanan dan budaya kelembagaan baru, yang mencakup: pembentukan dewan sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan strategi sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan tahunan sekolah, melakukan internal monitoring, self-assesment, menyusun laporan tahunan, melakukan survei pendapat sekolah terhadap stakeholder sekolah. Kata Kunci. School Based Management, Desentralisasi Pendidikan, Jaminan Mutu, Otonomi Pendidikan, Komite Sekolah Daftar Pustaka Fiske, Edward. 1999. Decentrilization of Education atau Desentralisasi Pengajaran (Terjemah). Jakarta: Grasindo. Bappenas. 1999. School Based Management. Jakarta: Bappenas bekerja sama dengan Bank Dunia. Binde, Brome. 2001. Keys to the 21st Century. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. Bryson, Jhon M.. 1995. Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organiztions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 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In relation with the school, it may be stressed that effectiveness of the school is in its specified procedure to develop a consistent organization based on the need which centralized on the school principal managerial process. Because, the system, management, as well as school procedure and its organizational development lay on the hand of the principal, who is then considered as the evaluation standard. This managerial process can be judged from the function of organizational structure optimally, teachers performance, professional school personnel, the development of learning activity, the implementation of rule and regulation, academic development and the achievement of education aim. Due to this reason, the more skillful is the principal, teacher, and other school personnel the more effective and efficient the whole school system and its management. The main requirement of organizational effectiveness is by understanding various methods how an organization is effective. In this case the manager of an organization is not only to identify various dimensions of critical institutional performance, but to mobile the organization towards effectiveness. The effective school models consist of three levels; school, class, and the student background.
Achievement motivation is the urge to do the best possible, in order to obtain the best results in accordance with the expected conditions, by trying hard, and outperforming others based on certain quality standards. The low development of achievement motivation of children aged 4-6 years and the application of the role playing method still uses limited media. The purpose of this study is to describe how to provide achievement motivation, and how children respond when giving achievement motivation. The methodology used in this study is a literature study that describes how the role-playing method is used in TK ABA Buntu Dea, Tongko Village. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of research through the role playing method can affect achievement motivation in early childhood because with achievement motivation children can get to know each other's characteristics better, and increase self-confidence. Thus the role playing method is considered effective as a learning method to increase achievement motivation in early childhood. Keywords: Achievement motivation, role playing method, children, kindergarten References Masykur, Achnad Mujab. (2015).Hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi siswa dengan kedisiplinan pada siswa kelas VIII regular MtsN Nganju. Jurnal Empati. Vol 2,(146-152). Kartiningrum, Eka Diah. (2015).Lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat politeknik Kesehatan majapahit. Eliningsih, E. (2021). Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Manajemen Pengelolaan Kelas Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Melalui Supervisi Klinis Pengawas Di SDN 15 Perawang. Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat, 6(1), 25–36. Sudiyani, Emy.(2020). Pengembangan karakter anak usia dini melalui pembelajaran model parenting. Erlin. (2018).Keefektifan pembelajaran bermain peran untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematetika materi perbandingan dan aritmatika social kelas V SD Negeri 020 Balikpapan. Jurnal sistem operasi. Vol 1. No 2. Zahro, Fatimah. (2015). Penilaian Dalam Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini.vol.1/no.1 Hidayat, F., Hidayat, I., Ghofur, A., & Santoso, F. S. (2021). Penanganan Kesehatan Pasien Reaktif COVID-19 Melalui Terapi Zikir Dan Lingkungan Wawasan Pengalaman Subyektif. Ulumuddin : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 11(1), 1–12. Imroatun, I., Widat, F., Fauziddin, M., Farida, S., Maryam, S., & Zulaiha. (2021). Youtube as a Media for Strengthining Character Education in Early Childhood. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1779(1), 012064. Lubis, H. Z. (2018). METODE PENGEMBANGAN BAHASA ANAK PRA SEKOLAH. JURNAL RAUDHAH, 6(2). Lubis, H. Z., Ginting, R. B., Sitepu, S. U. B., & Mahyarani, D. (2020). Pembeajaran Keterampilan Berbicara Berbasis Daring (Stui Inovasi Pendidik di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 5 Medan di Masa Wabah Covid 19). Hikmah, 17(1), 13–25. Mastoah, I., & MS, Z. (2020). Kendala Orang Tua Dalam Mendampingi Anak Belajar Pada Masa Covid 19 Di Kota Serang. As-Sibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 5(2), 121–128. Makarao, Nurul Ramadhani. (2009).Metode Mengajar Dalam Bidang Kesehatan. Bandung:Alfabeta Nuryati, N. (2018). Pengembangan Akidah Akhlak Pada Anak Usia Dini Melalui Metode Modeling. As-Sibyan : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 3(1), 1–14. Nuzliah.(2017).Pendekatan layanan Bimbingan Konseling pada anak usia dini. Jurnal Pendidikan anak. Vol 3. No 1.(108-118). Pandoman, A. (2020). Analisis Quietus Politik Terhadap Upaya Pemerintah Menangani Wabah Covid-19 Pasca Deklarasi Public Health Emergency Of International Concern (PHEIC). Ulumuddin: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 10(1), 1–12.Putra, A. P. (2021). EFEKTIFITAS PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19, METODE DAN EVALUASI. Intersections, 6(1), 13–22. Damayanti, Ratih. (2019).Upaya meningkatkan Awarenes keselamatan di sekolah dasar dengan metode role play. Jurnal of community service and engangements. Syafaruddin. (2015).Bimbingan dan Konseling di Pendidikan anak usia dini. Sarbani, Yohanes adven. (2018).Memahami motivasi berprestasi dan manfaat penggunaan gawai bagi generasi digital native. Enisa, Yudha. (2015).Peran metode bermain peran dalam peningkatan karakter anak usia dini. Yuzarion. (2020).Motivasi berprestasi pada siswa SMA dalam perspektif islam.Jurnal psikologi terapan dan pendidikan.vol.2/no.1
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